There are many ways to meet AGLIKA team, but best one is to visit us on our small & rich on quality products and ideas, booths, in all over Europe.
We are starting with PSI in Dusseldorf: 13-15.01. in Hall 11/G12.
One week later we will exhibit at same time in UK and ITALY;
20-21.01. PPE with booth number G39 /Coventry, UK/. On 20-22.01. we kindly invite you to have a look on our great assortment in PTE fair in Milano, stand D25. As last for January we are taking a part of CTCO fair in Lyon from 26-28.02., booth number 2C17!
Our debut on REMADAYS will be on 16-18.02. with booth number F315e.
Welcome to say “Hello!” and to touch for first quality TEXTILE products, on reasonable prices, 100% made in Bulgaria!